Zero being the ultimate distraction for Louie's place command

Zero being the ultimate distraction for Louie's place command

We can help you to:

  • Learn to communicate more effectively with your dog - establishing which behaviors you want, and more importantly, which behaviors you do not want.

  • Set up a consistent and effective routine tailored to your dog's physical and psychological needs.

  • Learn to use a variety of training tools, based on your dog's temperament and learning style.

  • Tackle specific challenging areas with exercises designed to maximize results and help your dog progress and achieve the desired behaviors.

  • Give your dog comfort and clarity by providing rules and boundaries that help him/her understand his/her place within your family.

  • Evaluate you and your family's abilities, schedule and commitment to design a realistic and sustainable plan that will address your dog's needs, strengthen family bonds and keep everyone engaged and progressing.

in-home behavioral consult - $500

  • In-home behavior consults involve me coming to your home so we can discuss what you’ve been struggling with.  I can observe your dog to assess behavior, see the environment and how they are being handled, and create a strategy for how to help.  This holistic program typically begins with addressing boundaries in and out of the home, designing an effective exercise and activity plan.  We go on to discuss training goals and create a realistic plan for you and your life. This program will help you understand your dog and how to advocate for them in the areas they need help. I do a lengthy write up after our session to recap what we discussed and make sure that you can have a document to refer to.  Behavior Consults are typically 2 hours.



3 session packages - $675


Dharma and Mom, rocking the in-home training session

Dharma and Mom, rocking the in-home training session

  • Leash walking - This training package addresses all aspects of on leash behavior - pulling, dragging, nervous/skittish behavior, reactivity to stimulus (dogs, humans, skateboards, etc), distractibility, and over-excitement issues. Most dogs start with leash and prong, laying a foundation for a structured walk where we ask dogs to be calm, focused, tuned in and walking on a loose leash at our side. We begin teaching in a calm, quiet and low-stakes area, and progress to busier more challenging places full of distractions and triggers as the behavior improves.

  • Reliable recall - Being able to confidently recall your dog is a major safety concern, in addition to being absolutely vital for off leash activities. We use modern day low-level remote collar training to create an “invisible leash” between human and dog, enabling communication up to a half-mile away! We begin teaching recall in a quiet area on a long-line, making sure the dog is both comfortable with the e collar sensation and clear on what the recall command means. We progress to more exciting and stimulating areas to advance and proof the behavior.

  • Home Manners - This is a package devoted to house behaviors - jumping, counter-surfing, behavior towards visitors, destructive chewing, inability to settle, house-training, etc. We are working in your home and able to assess and strategize beneficial new rules and boundaries. We typically teach and proof the place command, giving your dog a format for calm settling in the midst of household activities. We can also work on calm crate behavior, waiting at thresholds and how to manage your dog’s individual physical and psychological needs. This can be a 3 or 6 session package, depending on specific issues and goals.

6 Session package - $1200


  • Well-rounded Dog - the well rounded dog is able to be calm, polite and well-mannered in a variety of arenas. We work to customize a package to your specific needs- combining 2 of our smaller packages, or going deeper into one very challenging area. Six sessions allows us to practice, proof and troubleshoot as much as possible.

9 Session package - $1785


  • All Star - The All-Star package is designed to keep up a training relationship over a longer period of time, delving deep into all foundational training (crate, heel, recall, thresholds, place) advancing as much as possible in real-world situations. Having 9 sessions gives us the time and flexibility to get your dog into a healthy state of mind, establish and pattern good habits, cleanup mistakes, and challenge your dog in progressively stimulating situations.

additional services:

  • Singular training sessions: For dogs who have completed a training package or have had an in-home behavior consult. $250/session.

  • Phone/Skype session: $250/hr - answer specific behavior questions, fine tune an established routine, provide coaching and guidance for specific situations or trouble areas.